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My desire is to take us as humanity back to what is essential.

Book by David F. Yep


As children, we are pure souls, pointed in the direction of evolution, thanks to the powerful inner compass of our hearts. As we grow into an adult world, the freedom to follow that heart is hampered by dozens of things which we learn to be imprisoned to. Finding our way back to Heart, to the pureness of a child’s soul, is also the path to continue on the path towards fulfillment, towards evolution, and towards heaven.

At 11 years old I decided I wanted to do something great with my life in the service of others. At 13 years old I left home to become a priest, joining a very charismatic, but extremely rigorous and controversial Catholic religious congregation. The next 14 years were spent as a religious seminarian, going through novitiate and onwards to study humanities, philosophy and theology. I lived more than a decade overseas, visiting all of Europe while living in Germany, Spain, Italy, and Austria. I left the seminary after realizing that I could never complete my mission within that structure. Returning home with numerous languages and a plethora of experiences, I decided to combine my sense of mission with the knowledge to build and operate organizations. I finished an MBA in entrepreneuship in Austin and then spent the next decade in different businesses, working to grow and improve them. The path I began all those years ago has only increased in intensity, aided by the experiencing of freedom from so many of the structures my life had been confined to for many of the years.

I would love to teach you how to hear that inner voice.

The answer to achieving our fullness as human beings is really simple. I truly believe that the truth is within you.

Dare to experience how incredible life can be 

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